How to Save a Webpage as a PDF on iPhone using Chrome — Have you ever find useful or a piece of insightful information when you browse a certain website? If you have, how do you save that information you get? Well, maybe some of you will screen captured it. But do you know that there is a cool way to save a webpage in order to get the whole information in only one file? Yap, we can actually save a webpage we visit on Google Chrome from our iPhone into a PDF file. Can’t wait to know how to do that?
Here are the steps of How to Save a Webpage as a PDF on iPhone using Chrome:
- First, grab your iPhone and launch the Chrome browser on it.
- Now, access the webpage that you are going to save as a PDF file.
- Tap the share button.
. - Scroll up the bottom sheet and find the Print menu, then tap it.
. - Now, on the preview of the paper, tap + hold a page of the paper.
- After you see this kind of preview, tap again on the paper.
- Then, tap the share button.
- Choose Save to Files.
- Select the location to save your PDF.
- That’s it. Your page is now saved as a PDF file.
These steps might a bit complicated, but I hope you find no difficulties in following that. If you do, just ask me out and let me know in the comment section below. I would be happy to help you out.
Share this article with your family and friends if you think it is useful, so they will know how to do the same thing.
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