By Miranda Knight

Miranda’s superpower is her ability to make complex topics easy to understand for the everyday user. She has a gift for breaking down technical jargon and explaining it in a way that anyone can understand.
Showing 10 of 625 Results

10 Best Baby Growth Tracker Apps for iPhone

There are a lot of things and needs we have to prepare and fulfill when we are going to have a baby. Starts from planning for our pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after the baby’s arrival stage. To make the process of each stage easier, we need to use a baby growth tracker app.

How to Fix Macbook Screen That Turns Black and White

Seeing our Macbook screen in a black-and-white mode without knowing the cause makes us anxious. Those who never experience it before will feel if it is annoying or uncomfortable. To turn it back to colorful, we need to fix it. Read the whole article to know the ways in fixing that.

How to Turn Off Low Data Mode For Mobile Data on Your iPhone

Using mobile data on our iPhones in accessing some apps or the Internet feels similar ways using a Wi-Fi connection. However, there is a weakness in using mobile data. The connection can be low so when we download or stream a video it will take more time than usual for the video we stream is not smooth when it is playing.